Monday, April 11, 2011

Kalamazoo - 85 F (30 C) April 10, 2011

Yesterday we dashed to the South Haven beach to cool off and found that a lot of other people had the same idea. The water temperature was only 37 F but boys were out in the water with surf boards. They were carried over the waves by kites and when there was a strong gust of wind they flew up in the air and did flips. They put on quite a show! Sister was 2 years old the last time it was this warm in Kalamazoo on this date in 1930. Being in Michigan, we were not surprised to hear the weather-girl say that there is a possibility of a bit of snow later this week.


  1. Atom: Typisch April. Der macht mit dem Wetter was er will.

  2. I can feel the lake breeze now. L.S. P.S. Also Arby's?

  3. No Hot Fudge Sundae or Jamocha Shake this time. Just bottled water.

  4. Have no fear, warm weather will come back, sooner or later. D

  5. I guess it will come later. D.
