Sunday, June 16, 2013

One of those days

Sister telephones me every morning bright and early but this morning there was no call.  So at 9:30 a.m. I tried to call her and found our house telephone was out of order.  So I used the cell phone and got through and found out she had been trying to call me and only got a busy signal.  Like Scarlet O'Hara, I'll think about solving the telephone problem tomorrow.  I don't know why I'm able to use the internet since that goes through the telephone line too...but I'll think about that tomorrow also.

I always take Sister a thermos of coffee from home since they only serve decaf there and we're somewhat addicted to the real thing.   Well,  between home and her room at the Gardens the thermos disappeared.   I thought I forgot to take it but it was not here.  Like the Scarlet Pimpernel, I seek it here, I seek it there....but it is nowhere.

One more scarlet thing...there is a nurse at the Gardens who dresses like a boy, talks like a boy, looks like a boy and has one of those names like "Taylor" that could be for either sex.  I asked about the medication Sister is taking because her feet are swollen.  The nurse said Sister would have to ask since I am not a family member.  So I said to Sister, "Ask him what medicine you are taking."  The nurse told her the name of the medicine.  When the nurse left, Sister told me the nurse was a girl, thus my scarlet face.

Just three more days to go.


  1. Now what you need is to see a beautiful scarlet cardinal at your feeder. This would put all the other scarlets to shame. :) Rest well this evening, you deserve it. Love to you both. Helen

  2. Lost my first comment twice. So I concur with Helen a scarlet cardinal at your feeder is what you and Sister need to see. Rest is good for both of you....hope you had a good night. Love Ruthie

  3. Hello, I hope you find your coffee thermos. I can't find my i pod touch. It is maddening when something disappears. I am glad Sister is better. I am grateful that I can still do email on the computer. DEP
