Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What a day!

At midnight the tornado warning sirens went off in Kalamazoo and the people at the Gardens were roused out of bed and taken from their rooms into the halls.  I slept through the night unaware of the potential danger.  When morning came I noticed the clocks needed to be reset indicating there had been a power outage during the night.

I decided that Sister's car needed to be started up since it had been parked in the garage for over a week.  It started fine and I drove our garbage to a dumpster a few hundred yards away.  On the way back, every warning light on the dashboard lit up and the engine died but I was able to coast back to our driveway. 

9:30 a.m. - car to garage for new alternator

2:30 p.m. - Sr. Betty took me to the garage to pick up the car and then brought me back to the Gardens and visited a while.

Meanwhile Sister had three sessions of PT with Rick

     This is Juanita, the unit manager who keeps everything running smoothly.


  1. OK, gulls. I think you'll need a vacation when Sr. Geneva gets back home. Be well. Love, H

  2. What a day must be sleeping or close to it ...555 CA time. Great adventure starting blog...

  3. I'm glad the tornado didn't hit there . I'm glad everyone is safe . Thank God . DEP

  4. I think it is a miracle the car was so close to home and you weren't stranded in the middle of traffic somewhere. I wouldn't mind have Rick with PT. LOL. LS

  5. Hugs and Kisses to you both!
    Susan et. al.
