Thursday, June 13, 2013

We need a red carpet!

Sister worked so hard in physical therapy today that her leg muscles were tired and it took more effort to transfer in and out of the wheelchair this afternoon.  She was a little discouraged but I remember even Michael Jordan limped off the court after a hard game so it is to be expected that  leg muscles need time to recover.

A family came to look at her room at the Gardens this afternoon.  They are counting on the room being available next Wednesday.   We'll be more than happy to oblige.


  1. Wow! You must be great drivers to be able to park your cars so perfectly in that space. I'm afraid I would have a few scratches on my car if I were the one parking... Wish I could paint the ramp a bright red for you both, you deserve red carpet treatment. Love, Helen

  2. Sister, to much of a good thing can be bad. I want to encourage you to work. But it is ok to take it slow or even take a day off. I tell Helen that when she wants to walk extra on treadmill. You know you are going home. That is the good news. Can you get a nice leg massage? Or warm damp cloth treatment. Take VIP treatment... Love Ruthie chick

  3. That is good news that Sister is going to be discharged next week. Keep up the good work. DEP
