Saturday, February 12, 2011

Birdwatching: Chickadees

Chickadee-dee-dee sings the first one to come. Her friends sail in from the woods and join her for lunch. They wear black beanie caps and scarves and enjoy doing things together.

If I were a little Chickadee and had two wings, I would fly to have lunch with you. But since it cannot be I'll stay right here.

Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär' und auch zwei Flüglein hatt', flög zu dir. Weil's aber nicht kann sein, bleib' ich allhier.


  1. I see your clientel is growing. I didn't realize you painted the picture of the Cardinal also the Chickadee's? Are the Chickadee's harbingers of Spring or have they just found your diner? L.S.

  2. The Chickadees are year-around patrons. I did the Cardinal watercolor at the Green House many years ago. Thanks!

  3. Atom: Meisen sind keine Frühlingsboten. Sie überwintern bei uns. Von dem Winterstreuvutter fressen unsere nur die schwarzen Sonnenblumenkerne. Das Getreide und graue Sonnenblumenkerne lassen sie liegen. Feinschmecker. Bei uns gibt es Meisen mit blauem, schwarzen und grauen Kopf.

  4. I don't see any birds in our neck of the woods. Is it warmer there than here? D

  5. Atom: Bei uns sind im Winter Durchschnittlich minus 15 Grad Celsius.

  6. D - Your birds probably stay close to their favorite eateries. The snow pack is shrinking back here and some grass is starting to show. I imagine Robins will be coming soon. We don't serve worms so they are on their own.
