Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ah, Spring!

Tulips finally bloomed in the tiny rock garden and the Cardinals come together now to the bird feeder. When Mr. Cardinal finds a choice bit he pokes it in Mrs. Cardinal's beak. They are shy lovers and don't stay to have their picture taken.

Was Wachsen in Ihrem Garten?


  1. Atom: Bei uns wachsen Tulpen, Pfingstrosen, Siefmütterchen,Narzissen und Ostergruß. Bei Gemüse sind es Kohl, Gurken, Kohlrabie, Kartoffeln, Sellerie und Porree. Gewürze: Schnittlauch, Petersilie, Maggiekraut, Bohnenkrau und Knollenfnchel. Zur Zeit fehlt der Regen.

  2. Your tulips are beautiful. Did you plant anything else? D

  3. Did the sculpture survive the winter?
    Susan et. al.

  4. Yes,the Art Lady is O.K. She'll go back on duty when Polly Parrot comes in from the cold.

  5. Hi, We need to see a picture for June. Now the weather is very nice (most of the time). D.
