Monday, July 25, 2011

We're off!

Before we left, I squeezed as much gas as I could in the car at our favorite Kalamazoo Meijer Station ($3.60/gal). We expected prices to be higher as we went east but found gas near Youngstown Ohio at ($3.55).

We were up at 3 a.m. and all packed and on our way out of Kalamazoo at 8 a.m.
We drove past the corn and soybean fields in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and onward to Pennsylvania with it's beautiful rolling hills. Pennsylvania reminds me of Bavaria. One can understand why many German immigrants settled here.

We saw rain clouds ahead of us much of the way but the clouds were traveling faster than we were and we only got a few drops of rain on the windshield. At our usual nap time we listened to jazzy music to stay alert. Actually, I was the one who got sleepy. Sister drove 2/3 of the way. She is such a pro!

Now we're off to dreamland at the Hampton Inn in Clarion, Pennsylvania. Thanks for tuning in!


  1. Have a wonderful time and enjoy Germany for me as well! Looking forward to your blogs.

  2. Atom: Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Anreise zu Eurem " Transportmittel". Die Seereise wird Euch gut tun (Seeluft). Der Service auf dem "kleinen Kahn" wird ja wieder prima sein. Wir freuen uns schon auf das Wiedersehen in Hamburg.

  3. Thank you for inviting us to go with you on your trip. It is so interesting. D
