Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where we are...

We have traveled 500 miles since the ship passed under the Verrazano Bridge yesterday. Our current position on the map is south of Nova Scotia. We will set our clocks ahead one hour as we pass into another time zone during the night.

The sea is calm and there is very little sense of motion unless you look out and see the wake behind the ship. This is the best way to go - no seasickness or jet-lag.

Tonight we went to the movies and saw "The King's Speech" again. It is so moving. It took a few moments after it ended before my companion was able to stop drying her eyes. Just about all the other movie goers had to pass our aisle seats to leave. I think it was an English crowd who keep a stiff upper-lip. Many smiled sweetly at us and one man patted Sister's shoulder. Long live the Queen!


  1. Hello, Do you see any fellow passengers from your previous trip? It is so much fun being able to go along with you. Keep it up.

  2. We have not met anyone we know but I had a nice conversation in German with a lady while we were standing in line to have the British and German customs people check our passports yesterday. She said she understood my German OK which was reassuring.
