Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday in Georgia

You should have seen the hundreds of cars lined up on the expressway for the off ramp to the big shopping mall. We zoomed by and are now at the motel in Macon Georgia.

I found I had a senior moment and left the computer adapter at the motel in Kentucky so this will be the last Blog until the manager of the Kentucky motel mails the adapter to Sun 'n Sea.

Old age is not for sissies!


  1. Hello, Now it is Wednesday. I assume you are at Sun n Sea now. Is the weather georgeous? All our Thanksgiving company went home on Sunday. Everyone got along very well especially the VH dog Wilson and the Mike Paras dog Lucy. They had a lot of fun running around the park across the street from our house and didn't even run into the street.
    It is so amazing. I was able to type in Long Boat Key on my i pod touch and it says the weather there is 63 now and sunny. So it is a little cool today for you.

  2. SW Michigan is supposed to get some snow soon...aren't you going to miss it?? Ha!
    Susan et. al.

  3. We got enough of a sprinkling of snow last night to make the sidewalks a little slippery this morning. I am glad we got new tires for Andrew's car recently. We missed seeing you at Thanksgiving!

