Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Handel all the way

We started out at 8:30 a.m from Macon, Georgia with "Comfort Ye My People" and by the time we went over the mountains of Tennessee the car was rocking with the Hallelujah Chorus. Now we're settled in for the night in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Amen, amen, amen.....


  1. Did you have a CD or was this on the car radio? Has the weather been good for driving? Soon you will be home again. Welcome home. DEP

  2. We have the Messiah on two CDs. The weather was perfect from Kentucky to Kalamazoo. We are happy to be home. Thanks for keeping in touch!

  3. Atom: Ihr fahrt aus dem warmen Florida in den kalten Winter nach Kalamazoo? Braucht Ihr den Schnee? Wenn Ihr welchen übrig habt, wir können welchen gebrauchen. Bis jetzt haben wir in diesem Winter noch keinen bekommen. Es ist nach Aussage des Wetterberichtes in den nächsten Tagen auch keiner in Sicht.

  4. Ja, Kalamazoo hat Schnee auch mehr in Sicht. Nein, wir brauchen kein Schnee aber wir sind zu Haus und das ist sehr gut. Vielen Dank!

  5. Remind me to tell you about The Messiah and Colin's birth sometime...yes, there is a connection!
    Safe travels home...we'll look forward to the Triple Birthday in March!
    XOXOX Susan

  6. We have the Messiah on CD also, and listened to it during our 10 hour trip to St. Louis. It is Dec 31st, and there is no snow on the ground in Eden Prairie! I guess we are making up for last winter.

