Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thermometer hit 100 again today!

Snow by mail too? by resolution6
Snow by mail too?, a photo by resolution6 on Flickr.

We're tooking for a little cool to come again soon. It doesn't have to be snow cold, 80 degrees would be just fine.


  1. We think of you every day, and check your weather, esp. while you are in this heat wave. Hope you are both staying cool. Love the photo!
    Your CA sidekicks.

    1. We're doing good, thanks for your kind thoughts. We had a brief power outage last week and thought we might have to struggle downstairs to stay in our cooler tornado headquarters but thankfully, the power and A/C came back. The corn and soybean fields look pretty sad because there was very little rain here in June and none so far in July.

    2. Hope that all goes well for you this week, with cooler weather, some much needed rain, and brighter eyes...
