Monday, November 26, 2012

Macon, Georgia

We drove past a lot of motorists who were stopped at the side of the road by flashing blue lights.  Never fear, that is not likely to happen to us, I who am known as "die Schildkröte".

For years we took the bypass around Atlanta but now we zip straight through the city using the HOV lane.  Today there were about 7 lanes packed with cars  and we were virtually alone in "our" lane.  Yes, we were doing the speed limit (55).   A sign says the lane is for cars with 2+ occupants and we certainly fit the description, especially the plus part.

On to Longboat Key tomorrow!


  1. And everyone in lane four was saying, "Look at those two old ladies just cruising down the highway probably headed to Florida for the winter!" All the way to Longboat Key from Macon? My we are feeling ambitious now aren't we? Be safe. RB

  2. watch out for sharks hb
