Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So far, so good - indeed

The Physical Therapist is making
Sister stronger every day. 

Visit from Sr. Rose

                                                Visit from Sr. Rita

Today Sister had a hair appointment bright and early in the morning and then went to PT for a good workout.  We had lunch together and then she went back to PT for another session.  She had two visitors in the afternoon after the therapy session and got two cards in the mail (thank you very much for the one from Huntley.) 

While she was gone to PT, the hospital chaplain came to the room while I was sitting there doing puzzles and we had a nice visit.   I also received various other staff members who needed information which I could supply.  At one point the nurse came a-running and shouted, "YES?" (thinking I was hard of hearing or deaf).  What could I say.  I didn't even realize I had accidently triggered some alarm in the nurses station.   She smiled tolerantly and deactivated whatever is was.   Every one is very kind to us old folks. 


  1. It was great to see sr. Geneva's beautiful smile. Glad to hear from you both. Love always, H & R

  2. Its great to have the blog back. Keep up the good work Sr. Geneva LS

  3. Yes , it is great to have the blog back with such nice pictures of Sister . What did you accidentally push to get the nurses prompt attention . ? Everyone seems so nice there . DEP

  4. Great hair Marilyn....keep up the good work...where is pict Naomi? Love. CA chicks

  5. Praying for lots of strength and healing, and that Aunt Naomi is doing alright also! XOXOXO Susan et. al.
