Saturday, June 8, 2013

Picnic in the Park

Here we are in Milham Park.  It was a big step forward for Sister to get from the wheelchair into the car on her own.  After our picnic lunch we drove home and sat in the car in the driveway and watched the birds at our feeder.  Sister didn't feel able to go into the house so I went in and brought out two dishes of strawberry ice cream.

When I signed out at the Gardens the nurse said we had to be back before midnight or the insurance would not pay for the day.  What a laugh!  We could not even stay awake until midnight on New Year's Eve.


  1. What great and encouraging news. Looking so good, Sister. I bet you were both delighted with the change in scenery. Happy days are on the way. Lots of love and best wishes, Helen.

  2. Big progress,!!! Yes I stayed tuned for the big plans. Good to get time away even if you get back before midnight. Hope your ice cream hit the and the best of wishes..r chick

  3. It is nice to get away for awhile . Just think you have a vacation from cooking and doing dishes for awhile . DEP
