Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Stroll

Boy Jesus with Mary and Joseph
 It has been so hot and humid most of the week that I have not been taking Sister outside but today was pleasant so we went out for a little while.  These figures are near the front entrance of the facility. 

It has been a little over a week since she started intensive physical therapy and the results continue to be encouraging.  


  1. Naomi dear, as you can tell by the time, we're looking for your daily updates. Good to hear that things are going well. We've been hoping that your weather was not wild and scary, glad that today was pleasant enough for an outside stroll. Sister, keep up the good work. It is difficult, but worth it. Love to you both. H

  2. CA watching your weather. Glad you got out. Hot here. Progress is a good thing..keep it up. You are a good example of determination!!! Love to both of you...R

  3. Glad you can go outside when the weather permits . All this rain is making everything so nice and green . I think it is the best time of ghe year . DEP
