Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who is the blog administrator?

Who removed a comment from the last blog? What was in the comment? You might be curious or worried that some unknown censor is reading our communications so I will confess that I am the blog administrator and I removed my own comment. I've been reading other blogs and noticed that other blog writers comment on comments so I decided to write a comment to thank Renate for wanting to help us clean. I wrote it in German but after it appeared I saw a grammatical error and being a would-be perfectionist tried to correct it. However I then learned that comments cannot be edited once they are printed they can only be removed. So I removed the whole thing and tried again. That is the blog administrator's story.


  1. That takes all of the drama out of it--now we can't let our imaginations run wild with the mystery of the missing comment. :) Well, back to my boring life. :)


  2. Yes, I agree that it was a mystery to me. I thought there was an important person at facebook making sure that there were no "bad" messages going on in your blog. D
