Monday, December 14, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Jennifer (Gov. Granholm) said that we are Michiganian (pronounced Michigainian) not Michiganders, which does sound like a male goose of some sort. So we old Michiganians marched resolutely into the Secretary of State Office today to get Sister's name changed on her driver's license.

Faced with a passport and a new Social Security Card, the red tape wall at SOS fell without a problem. What a relief!

It has taken nine months to solve this identity crisis and now Sister can drive, vote, cash checks and waltz back and forth across the border with ease.


  1. Atom: Erfolg zum erhalt des Dokumentes. Bei uns wird das Dokument am Tag der
    abgeschlossenen Prüfung.

  2. So glad that all that red tape is behind you!

  3. Thank you Jesus. L.S.

  4. Cool -- At last. All the way to the top--I'm impressed. Sounds like a news story. Glad for you both...keep dancing, voting and driving. Love R&H
