Friday, July 27, 2012

A Cloud Appears

Unfortunately the cloud is in the cornea of my left eye so the new lens behind it can't see through.  Hopefully anti-inflammatory eyedrops will eventually clear it up, but it was disappointing not to have the immediate beautiful view I experienced with the right eye.  Meanwhile  there was a sale on reading glasses at Walgreens so I got two for the price of one and my right eye is back in business for reading and distance.  Nothing like a bargain to cheer a girl up!


  1. Naomi, so sorry to hear that left eye is having problems. As you say, hopefully it will clear up with meds. Let us know how you and nurse Marilyn are doing. We think of you often.
    Your CA chicks.

    1. The cloud has lightened up and now it is just a little misty through the left window. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
