Thursday, November 29, 2012

Peerless Pier

Today we went for a (st)roll on the pier.  It is our favorite pier because it has railings.  Our destination is a bench under the roof waaay down at the end. 
As we went along we saw pelicans flying, fishing...



posing on a post.

We made it!


  1. Congratulations! Have you seen any of the Florida Ospreys hunting? I got to see one dive from high in the sky to capture a nice big fish one time. It was like being in the middle of a Nat Geo film. The fish he caught was so large, it took quite an effort for him/her to get airborne again. RB

    1. We have seen Ospreys come to perch at the top of a dead tree on the Hilton grounds next to our cottage. It must have been after they caught their lunch.

  2. We woke up to a dusting of snow yesterday...send warm thoughts from FL!!

  3. watch out for sharks bb

  4. Atom: Ich wünsche Euc hGuteErholung.Mich freut das Marilyn so stark mit macht. So lange es Euch gesundheitlich gut tut, macht weiter so schöne Ausflüge. Schönen Gruß auch von Atomi.

  5. Once again, great pictures and happy memories. So happy that you are having delightful weather.H&R

  6. The weather looks beautiful down there! Glad you are having a good time. So far it has been unseasonably warm in Minnesota--maybe we will have another winter like the last one. Rachel is still loving all her nursing classes, the more challenging, the better!
