Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Unconditional Surrender
 This picture of the 26 foot statue of a sailor celebrating V-J  Day was taken last year as we strolled along the Sarasota waterfront.  A couple of days ago we looked for the statue and found an empty space.  

Upon further investigation we discovered that 8 months ago a Mercedes crashed into the figure leaving a gaping hole in it.  The statue was sent to New Jersey for repairs where superstorm Sandy crashed everything. 

Today the sailor and nurse are triumphantly returning to their place in Sarasota.  It will take 3 days to set them up and we will visit them soon.

Do you remember V-J Day?  I remember the end of WW II, I was in the fourth grade when our teacher told us and broke into tears of joy.  I don't recall that the little boys in the class were as enthusiastically motivated as the sailor to grab the nearest girl and give her a passionate kiss.  I think I would remember that.


  1. So I checked for a Blog earlier and nothing was there. Then I prayed, "Give us this day our daily blog. . .Amen!" Now it is here and it is a wonderful story! So glad the sailor and his lady came back to life. Don't forget, in fourth grade, boys were still afraid of girls. Especially in the 40's! I know I was in the 50's. I should have stayed that way! RB

  2. PS - The lady appears to be a nurse, too!

    1. This blogs for you! The sailor always reminds me of your dad who was the only one in our immediate family in service. He was so handsome in uniform! I was also touched that you did like my mother used to do when I misspelled a word in a letter home. She would casually use the same word in her reply, spelled correctly. Great memories - thanks!

  3. But I didn't do it on purpose!

    1. The problem is that I can't figure out how to use spell-check on the blog. Nevertheless, you and mother are better spellers than I am. I am fortunate to have such a literate, articulate correspondant as yourself.

  4. I don't remember that day, but I do remember on Armistisday our Mother said we should stand up and face East at 11.00 for a moment. Now it is called Veteran's Day but sorry I forget to stand up and face East. LS

  5. Yes, I remember men walking on Ewing Avenue stop in their tracks, take off their caps and face east at 11:00 on November 11th each year.

  6. bb You are so clever finding the website for This is the day we wash our clothes etc. even though you are a forgetful repeater. Now I am looking for something can anyone help me. I'm looking for a TWINKIE. rc

  7. Well, it's almost your bedtime and no post for Dec. 5? I guess you gals are just having too good of a time to stop for a minute and think of all those anxious blog fans you have. I actually had one of my Father's sailor suits for a time. Don't know what became of it. One year, for a Halloween party, I dressed as a sailor and Sheila dressed as an island girl in a straw skirt complete with lei. Don't know what became of my old Army jacket either. Goodwill? Salvation Army? Probably. RB
